Sunday, June 8, 2014

Perfect Brows with 3 multi-use products!

Hi All!

I hope that everyone had a great weekend. We spent a lot of family time this weekend in the warm Alaskan sun. It's been pretty chilly here (to us transplanted Southerners) so we were happy as a pig in slop when we were able to wear shorts! So amazing!

Anyways, I am constantly getting questions about my eye brows. They are nothing special, but I always make sure to take time to pluck and fill them in almost every day. I just prefer the look of a strong brow. I've used several different kits, but I could never find one that blew me away on its own. 

Until.... Younique! Oh my goodness. Three of their products together make the PERFECT brow. I don't need that Too Faced, Urban Decay, or Anastasia brow kit anymore. Plus, these three Younique products are completely versatile and can be used for so much more than just my eyebrows!

The first of the three products is the Younique Liner/Shader brush. I use the liner end for my eye brows and eye liner. It works so well. Love it! $18 may seem like a lot, but you are getting a quality brush that will last you years if you take care of it correctly. It really is worth every single penny.

The second of the three is the Refreshed rose water. (Bonus - It's the Younique customer kudos for June and you get a free headband if you purchase it) I spritz the liner end with the rose water to dampen it so that I can create the perfect brow look! It's $29 and has so many more uses than just eye liner or eye brows. You can use it to make a paste with our pigments to use as hair chalk, spritz it on your face for a toner, spray it on cuts or sun burns so that they heal quickly and help with the pain.
The third and final product is the Younique pigment in Infatuated. The good thing about this color is that it can also be used as an eye color, so I'm not just buying it for my eye brows. 

To achieve my look I spritz the end of the liner brush with the rose water and dip my brush into the pigment, and then I just apply to my brows like normal and voila! I'm done! It takes me about 45 seconds to a minute to do it. Super easy!! If you are scared of "messing up," you can buy an eyebrow stencil from any beauty stores. I know that Sephora sells them, because I've gotten some there in the past.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Influenster Venus® Snap with Embrace Review

I was REALLY excited about this Vox Box! I love trying new razors and the Venus Snap did NOT disappoint!! My husband is in the US Army and we recently moved from Fort Rucker, Alabama to Fort Wainwright, Alaska. This means hotel living, Yay! It's impossible to keep up with razors in our hotel because there is no shelf space. So this little bitty razor keeps its spot right by our soap. I have used it 3 times and I think it can last one more leg shave, which is nice! I don't normally get that many uses out of a razor. It also works great on your arm pits because of the way it pivots. I know that's kind of gross to talk about, but I always end up cutting myself with a normal razor because it doesn't conform to my skin the way it should.

I highly recommend that you give this a try!! I know I can't wait to buy more. :) 

Oh and this isn't simply just a disposable mini sized razor, all of the Gillette razor refills are supposed to work with it. Which is AWESOME! 

 ** I received this product free from Influenster for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own and in no way reflect the views of Gillette or Influenster.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Boutique and Younique - Clothes and Makeup

I've posted before about my love of all things that come to me in a monthly box, but what I haven't really done is tell my (non existent) readers about me!

My name is Brittany.

I'm a Christian.
I have been married for almost 10 years to the love of my life, Zach.
We have 2 children. Haylie is 9 and Ashton is 2.
I love fashion and make up.
I love to shop.
I love to spend money.
I looooove finding new products and branching out.

Zach is a pilot in the military. Because of his career, it's hard to find and keep a job. So a little over a year ago I decided to take a risk and start my own business. I opened my online boutique, Grace Nicole. I'm not a huge retailer with a ton of stock at any given time because I run my business out of my house, but what I do have is awesome!!! You can visit my boutique at - If you go to the website and there's nothing there, that is because we are currently PCS'ing (moving) from Alabama to Alaska and I don't have any inventory until we get settled in our new home.

I love fashion and I love being able to help military wives find affordable options that aren't cookie cutter. The friendships I've made will last me a lifetime!!!

Something else I've recently gotten into is Younique. Oh my goodness, the 3D fiber lash mascara is AMAZING! I've never seen anything like the results I get from these "lashes in a tube." I was skeptical, but told my friend I would try them and if I liked it better than Too faced Better than sex mascara I would be shocked.

Well honey, I had to pull my panties up off the floor. The mascara knocked them off! Haha! It really does deliver that 300% increase in volume and length.

Here is my before and after, I seriously have NO lashes naturally:


I loved the mascara so much that I signed up as a presenter and I am so glad I did. I am a part of a wonderful team. The ladies are beautiful, kind, and caring. Plus.. We have awesome make up. It doesn't hurt that our team made $1 million in sales in April. If you would like any information about Younique, please feel free to visit or email me at

Thursday, April 3, 2014


I was chosen for another VoxBox from Influenster. Yay!!! I absolutely love getting their boxes and reviewing products. It's such a great way for me to discover new things. The UniVoxBox was a great box and there was only one product that I didn't care for. 

Included in the box: 

Pilot Acroball Pen in Yellow 
Red Rose Tea Water Enhancer
Rimmel London Stay Matte Liquid Mousse Foundation
NYC New York Color Last Lipstick in Fuchsia
Broadway Nails imPRESS Manicure
Playtex Sport Fresh Balance
I loved everything but the press on nails. I'm not entirely sure what adults wear press on nails, but they are really not my thing. I decided to let my daughter wear them to see what they are like, because I just got a brand new gel manicure and was not about to remove it for press on nails.

The nails lasted for about 24 hours, which is pretty good for a kid. She was able to shower and make it halfway through her school day before one popped off. Then when she went to play outside a few more popped off, so she decided to remove the rest. They were difficult to put on her nails as the sticker backing removal is kind of hard to remove and it was difficult for her to pull on them once she had a few nails applied. We won't be purchasing them.

The tampons are great and had a wonderful scent. The foundation did keep me matte. It's not my color or heavy enough coverage, but it was great for a drugstore brand. Definitely keep it in mind if you want a light coverage that keeps you oil-free. The tea is actually pretty good. I'm a Georgia girl and it's almost as good as my sweet tea. :) The lipstick.. Oh the lipstick.. I almost peed my pants when I saw the color. I think my first thought was "Um, what?" In the packaging it looks like a color that only women of the night would wear. However, once I put it on my lips I realized how wrong I was. The color is PERFECT for Spring/Summer and stays on for several hours. It is so great, go buy some and you will be just as impressed as I am! The Acroball pen is a great lefty pen! I usually have hand smudge, but the ink from the pen dried quickly and left me with minimal smudging. 

Thanks Influenster for sending me all of these wonderful products for free so that I can review and test them out! This was a wonderful box and I hope I get chosen again soon.
I've mentioned before that I subscribe to a lot of boxes, but one of my favorite things to get is Influenster boxes! The great thing about these is that you have to qualify and you don't pay for them. They send you random products for you to review and/or promote. One of my favorite products this time around in the UniVoxBox was Playtex Sport Fresh Balance Tampons! 

I know it's kind of weird to talk about Tampons on a shopping blog, but these are so comfortable! I highly recommend them to everyone. I'm not really a sports person unless you count shopping, but I was able to get through the mall without feeling uncomfortable. Huge thumbs up from me. Thanks Influenster and Playtex!

**I received the tampons courtesy of Influenster. My review and opinions are my own and in no way reflect the views of the company.**

Friday, February 28, 2014

In my last blog post, I mentioned that I have a slight addiction to monthly boxes. Yea.. Well I have been participating on the influenster website for a few months now and have been lucky enough to be chosen for two different vox boxes. These boxes are sent to you for free in order to get reviews about the products that they send you. It.Is.Awesome.

This time around I was selected for the Optic White Vox Box. It is the new Crest Optic White toothbrush with a whitenening pen in the bottom. It is SUPER convenient. The only downside to it is you don't wash the whitening solution off. The consistency really grosses me out at first. After a few minutes it dissolves or whatever it is that it does and it isn't so bad. I've been using it for the 2 days and have noticed a slight improvement. Nothing to write home about, but an improvement! I'll continue to use it and will probably purchase more when it runs out. If you are looking for an affordable whitening solution, I highly recommend this.

**This item was sent to me for free by Influenster. All opinions and reviews are my own.**
